As your Counselors...

We will push you to make changes that will last. Changes that will impact every aspect of your life so you can live the life you dream of.

What's holding you back?



Suicidal Thoughts

Substance Abuse Issues

Healing Trauma

Negative Self-Talk

Emotional/Physical Abuse


Relationship Issues

Whatever it is... there is hope. You are not alone.

Maybe you have tried counseling before...


We are different.

Call Today 262.390.3350

 Do you ever wonder if your problems are unique to you?

 Do you ever wonder if you are normal or nuts?

 Have you tried traditional counseling before and were not satisfied with the results?

 Do you struggle with stress, worry, doubt?

 Are you ever fearful about your future?

 Do you carry guilt about your mistakes?

 Do you ever fantasize about escaping your current situation, frustrations, or circumstances?

  Do you ever look at your life and think there has to be more? There is more to life than what you are facing right now. We will help you find it.

Working with us is like learning how to play a sport or a new skill.

We need you to be open to learning and practicing these skills as they are necessary for true life transformation. You have to be committed to giving it 100% of your effort. If you do this, we promise you real change.

We listen without judgment.

We will challenge you with intentional questions and homework, and we will hold you accountable. 1:1 counseling with us will be nothing like you have ever experienced before.

We provide Pastoral Counseling for:





Call Today 262.290.3350

Who Are You?

 You are not just your name, your occupation, or your life circumstances. 

You are not who others say you are. 

"You are a Masterpiece."

Ephesians 2:10

Listen to what our clients have to say…

I just cannot thank Arica enough for everything and helping me when I really needed it. I came so far because of her help and I appreciate it more than anyone can imagine. 

- Mitch

"Arica has been different than any other therapist I have ever met. She has yet to sugar coat anything and purely says the facts whether I am going to like it or not, which I do like. She tends to be very upbeat and seems happy to see me even when I have nothing but bad news and swampy shit to talk about. She is flexible and willing to tend to my needs even when it ends up being at the ass crack of dawn. She reaches out and shows she is here without crawling up my ass about everything. And, I rather enjoy how she talks about things she has experienced in her life and humanizes herself instead of just having a purely counselor/client approach. Since we have began meeting I have been able to gather a more positive outlook on life and enjoy life more even without thinking about it at the time. Overall meeting with Arica has been quite the turning point in my life for the better."


"Mike asked me hard questions and challenged me to discover things about myself I never knew were there.  His guidance changed my perspective. He helped me grow as a person both in my personal life and in my professional life.


"Arica guided me, encouraged me and pushed me during a difficult period and during my career change.  She helped me have the confidence to make hard decisions and gave me the support I needed during a very pivotal time in my life. I couldn't have done it without her help!

- Jamie

"Arica put me at ease the moment we met. She knew about and helped me find resources to make changes through Christ and in my personal struggles. She stood by and guided me through major obstacles surrounding my faith and the challenges we face when beginning again. My life is finally on track and my faith is stronger than ever!"


"Counseling with Acadmey is much more than regular talk therapy. It goes deeper and takes. you on a spiritual journey that encourages you to feel God's love and build your own self-love which has totally changed my life."


"Arica is an absolute inspiration to me. She has helped me in so many ways and to this day, I believe she and God saved my life. You see, I have struggled with depression and addiction for years. I'm 100% confident that she has a gift to help you too with whatever you are going through!"



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